Vinnie’s Pantry at SVdP Neenah participates in the following federal funded food program, TEFAP (The Emergency Food Assistance Program) administered through the State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services. The emergency Food Assistance Program is federally funded food program, administered through the State of Wisconsin Department of Health and Services and Vinny’s Pantry at SVdP Neenah is the recipient agency.

Vinnie’s Pantry at SVdP Neenah

The SVdP Neenah food pantry was initially created over 15 years ago by St. Mary & St. John Parishes in Menasha. In 2023 the SVdP Neenah Store Pantry expanded into the property next door and became “Vinnie’s Pantry”. Offering a dedicated waiting area for a more dignified experience, a larger storage capacity, and more pantry space.

Vinnie’s Pantry is available to neighbors in need in the Neenah/Menasha area. To get registered, please bring a form of ID for everyone in your household, and proof of residency in Neenah/Menasha.


Wednesday 9:30am-12:30pm and 3:00pm-5:30pm

Friday 9:30am-12:30pm

Saturday 9:30am-12:00pm

For a list of donation items we are looking for Vinnie’s Pantry, please click the link below