You can make a difference.



Items donated are separated into categories, priced and displayed on the sales floor by volunteers. Proceeds from the sale of these items are used to provide food, rent, transportation, prescriptions, utilities and more. When the need is for basic living essentials, such as clothing, bedding, furniture, and kitchen items a store voucher is given and the cost covered by the store.



Donate by using the button below or bring your cash or check to the store!



Endowment Contributions made to the store will address the challenges we have identified to do our work. It is critical to provide continued revenue that will fund future programs. Your planned gift or commitment to a designated fund or endowment is a significant way of securing our future. Please join us as we plan for the future by including Neenah/Menasha St Vincent de Paul in your charitable gift planning.

Endowment income provides a stable, permanent fund that supports the teams and initiatives that are the core of our work. It enables the store to continue its urgent work in uncertain financial times.

Endowment is an opportunity for friends of the store to leave an enduring legacy by endowing the core elements of our mission – providing the income that will allow us to plan for current and future needs to help families in need.


Donate a Vehicle

The sale of each vehicle provides a significant benefit for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. You support will provide funding for transitional job training, food pantries and local thrift stores. You could earn a tax deduction, too. Although the process of donating your vehicle is simple and quick, the benefits last a long time. You'll feel good about helping others, and you will get rid of that old vehicle. Your charitable donation to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul has another significant benefit: helping the environment. Our partner, One Car One Difference shares our commitment to creating a cleaner environment, with strict guidelines in place to ensure regulatory and EPA compliance.

Please visit or call 800-322-8284.

Please request more information by calling our store at (920) 727-1766 or emailing us at



Did you know the average American household discards an estimated 70 pounds of clothing, linen and other textiles each year? Clothing and household textiles, consisting of fabrics such as cotton, polyester, nylon and rayon, make up almost 5 percent of the total garbage in landfills. St. Vincent de Paul Society of Neenah-Menasha is looking to reduce this waste through a clothing-recycling program. Clothing recycling is the re-purposing of used clothing, cardboard, metal and other textiles that has been donated to the organization that can not be resold. Instead of distributing these items to landfills, the organization will sell bales by the pound to textile recyclers. These items can end up as wiping rags, insulation, upholstery stuffing, and ingredients in paper products or used clothing exports to other countries.

Clothing recycling keeps unwanted items out of landfills and provides an additional revenue stream for St. Vincent de Paul. Revenue can then be used to support the community. In 2019, St. Vincent de Paul supported over 2,087 individuals with over $176,092 in direct aid.